

  • 1800 total. For birth control, I have the Mirena. I know that does hinder weight loss, but I wouldn't think it would to this point. It was a GP that checked my thyroid; I can't remember if she checked just one level or both. I will open my diary, but it won't help much. Today is my first day on MFP, and I've only had…
  • I am 5'4" and I weigh 275lbs. Right now I'm eating about 1800 calories a day, depending on how much time I spend at the gym. I do admit, I kind of guestimate my calorie loss at the gym, using guides and calculators found online.
  • I understand being skeptical about my tracking, but I do track everything. Including any alcohol I drink, the gum I chew, how much water I drink (btw, I drink about 100 oz a day), each freaking grape that goes into my mouth. I weigh my food, for crying out loud. :-/
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