My birthday is March 25th!!! I'd love to lose 10 lbs! I'm in!!!
Please let me know what you think of the master series. I'm gonna start it on March 25th after my first round of BBL. Did you see more results the first or the second month?
Looks like you and I started the pear solution the same day. Today was the first day of the third week. How you doing so far?
Hello! I started it on January 28th. How are you doing so far?
Same goal as mine!!! 20lbs to go!
I just finished my first 30 days, today I started the combination solution! Today I did Bum Bum and Tummy Tuck... They still kill me!!!!! I got some decent results. Hopefully the second month is when you really see results!
I started it on July 23rd and I'm loving it so far! Cannot wait for the results!
I lose weight, but never any on my thighs and butt. If I drop a size I'll be SOOOOOOOO happy!
Rloral, have you gotten any good results??
That's exactly how I felt too and I'm Brazilian (I definitely don't have a Brazilian butt yet). I had to pause so many times and I had done P90X the past 2 weeks. Leandro really kicked my bum bum.
I was on Weight Watchers too but I decided to switch because my mom has been using MFP with success and let's face it, it's free. I love the support here so far!
My package just got delivered today, so I'm starting today! I'll be a week ahead, but I'm glad to find some buddies here!