:happy: Can't wait to give these songs a try!
Okay, since you scores so far are: Dagomba: 9785 (Had a hard time getting into this song. Yuck!) Move Your Feet: 9797 Proud Mary: 9735 I plan on practicing some more and trying to beat my scores, but enough for today. I'm out of breath and sweating to death! I did each song 3 times. Whew! Fun though. :happy:
This is a great mini challenge and I'd love to give it a try! SW is 136.8 this morning. 132 here I come!!
I'm in again! What a great challenge. I really had fun last week.
Wow! This was a great challenge and really motivated me to keep trying to up my scores all week. Looking forward to this week's songs!! My scores: Idealistic: 9345 Girlfriend: 10,879 SOS: 10,128
I'm thinking about giving this a try this week. Sounds like fun. Hope you don't mind if I join in!