

  • Hi, I have been doing this for 15 days and have lost 5 lbs.. It is taking time and I too look at those ticker #'s and see the spectacular weight loss and have a moment of envy but then I tell myself that it surely didn't happen over night. Bottom line I am losing and if I keep going I'll make it. The eating part is easy,…
  • Hi I am Judi - I know and recognize the feelings. Just remember that it took a long time to put it on. If you lose 1 to 2 lbs. a week it will stay off and u will lose gradually. Be careful to may small changes to your meals and life style or your body will think u are starving it and store more fat. U can incorporate alot…
  • Hi I have been doing this a week now. I weighed in today and I have lost two pounds. Ive tried many diets and this time two things are different. 1) I have a buddy doing this with me and we encourage each other all day long. We are both diabetic so we can help each other that way too. 2) Also, we walk together every night…
  • Hi Im not even sure yet if I have Fibromyalgia but It is either that or Diabetic Neurapathy. Im going to the doctor tomorrow hopefully ill know more. I just began this weight weight loss program 3 days ago. My husband too. It does hold you more accountable. We are strictly counting calories and were able to adjust sugars,…
  • Hi Claire - Funny thing or no not really but I have an appt. for my Doctor tomorrow to talk about Fibromyalgia. I am also a diabetic recently diagnosed and I have 120 Lbs.to lose. Any advice on how to explain the pain without sounding like a nut? Judi