Good to hear! Although having eight pounds claw its way back is certainly cause for momentary disappointment, you only let it win if it leads to undoing all of the rest of your hard work. If someone went back in time to you at your starting weight and said, "hey, guess what, on 12 September you'll have lost almost thirty…
For me it was all about "finding my level" to see what I could have in moderation. At first I rigourously cut out everything, then I've slowly been allowing myself the occasional indulgence. So long as overall I'm moving in the right direction, it works out.
Wow, that's still a tremendous success! What's eroding your resolve?
I've read comics off and on my whole life, with my favourites being Preacher, Transmetropolitan, Hellblazer, etc. For me, the Vertigo line was a bit like the Metropolis Records label- not everything it released was great, but everything was worth a read/listen. By the way, for those mentioning they'd like to get back into…