

  • I'm mainly aiming to gain muscle but I'm trying a lose a bit of stomach fat along the way. I find I put on weight very easily if I don't think about what I'm eating so attempting to stick to 1200 at all times is easier in the long run for me. I'm not always good at measuring calories so now I think about it I'm sure…
  • Not sure how much you weigh but I am around 5ft 1 and weigh about 99-101 pounds (trying to lose some fat gain some muscle) I eat around 1200 a day. So if you weigh more than me I'm sure you'll still lose on a little over 1200? I'm barely losing anything on 1200 and find it very hard to stick to it - 1200 is not much food…
  • I sometimes bring Crust-less quiche to work. You can make it relatively low calorie and you can mix it up by putting all different types of veggies in there. I also bring a side salad along to make it like a proper meal.