NymphetamineGirl Member


  • Just got back from my W2D2 today. Exhausted but I'm in disbelief that my body can actually run! :) I haven't been able to lose any weight with the calorie counting, I'm hoping by sucking it up and doing the one exercise I have spent my life desperately trying to avoid, I might start to see some changes.
  • FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT! 250g of strawberries is only 53 calories. 1 cup of cherries is 60 calories. 2 kiwis are 93 calories. 2 peaches are 94 calories. 1 apple is 72 calories. Etc etc etc. :)
  • I have tattoos and that totally makes sense. I guess I never thought about it that way... You've given me something to think about. Thanks. :)
  • I guess I'm having a similar experience. I did Weight Watchers a couple of years ago, lost the weight and was really happy. It seemed so easy and the weight fell of in a really consistent way. Because I had attained the results I wanted, I wanted to stop paying to continue with the program. I didn't even realize I had put…