

  • what is a beck deck? I am willing to try anything that is helping. I too love to eat. I start off every day doing well then something always messes me up
  • well I would love to try to help. I just turned 50 and I just keep seem to be gaining I am trying but the will power seems to have left me
  • I do the same darn thing all the time. I don't know why we do it. I can't find the magic combination to stay focused on the prize. If anyone of you have any advice I would love to hear it. I lose 10 gain 11. It is a vicious cycle. I do have a goal to lose 50 lbs by end of February. I hope I can do it. not so sure these…
  • I am 49 and will be turning 50 in February 2013. I want to lose a total of 80 lbs. I don't think I will be able to do that by February, but if I could take off 50 by then. I would be so happy. I don't have time for the P90X I work a full time job and a part time job. I used to do a kettlebell work out and I loved it but…
  • Well I am shooting for a little higher. I would like to loose 40 lbs by christmas. I have messed myself up by trying all kinds of craziness and am done with that now and know I really need to eat healthy and exercise more. period. I am currently as of this morning 231 I really want to be under 200 by Christmas. an even 40…
  • I am 5f7in and am stuck at 227 I have tried all kinds of crazy adn just decided to come back to mfp and do it right. The crazy yoyo is not really working and just making me mad. I feel better when I eat right and exercise so why the heck can I not keep it up. So very frustrated with myself. Maybe if I am in a group I can…
  • well so far breakfast I had 2 eggwhits fried in pam with 1 piece of melted fat free cheese on 2 pieces of 35 cal bread toasted 2 cups coffee then walked my neighborhood about 30 mins having apple snack now and thinking about lunch probable salad with sliced grilled chicken 3-4 oz the rest of day still unplanned
  • wow that is a lot of sugar but you can try to slowly change it. I used to used cream and sugar in my coffee. I slowly weened myself off. I put one less sure a day and started to swap the splenda. You can't do it all at once. Now I don't use any sugar but .... I found coffeemate sugar free carmel vanilla coffee creamer. It…