

  • The problem with lifting weights rather than resistant training is you will gain muscle and fitness yes, however, if you ever stop it will turn to fat. I have been working for 2 years to get rid of all my excess fat from doing so. I have seen many people go down like that. How many weight lifters have you seen with a…
  • I used to comepete in weight lifting competitions. For losing weight you don't want to lift much. All you need is resistant training (meaning light weight). Something that is like 3 pounds is fine. Do some curls, squats, etc. You can do your normal routines but add a little resistance to them. I can help answer any…
  • I just started today. I am technically over weight, but not really. My BMI is 25.6 and it should be under 25. I used to body build and compete in weight lifting, but when I stopped I gained some fat. So now basically, I am trying to lose the excess, and be in better shape. Really hoping that it will help me feeling better.…