

  • Hey everyone! I know have been gone for a long time but hey never too late to start, right? Im gonna start all over again. SW-207 LW-207 CW-207 GW-170
  • @ Stephanie: Wow this i soo cool that u have lost this much weight. I just get excited thinking bout how much better i would look with 26lb less fat oon my body. I know its not all about looking better but hey if u can get healthy AND look better; why not? :)
  • thank u blondie925 for all the support. I have midterms this week so am going to still count y calories but i think i will probably have a slip up here and ther b/c of the pressure. But nyways im still commited to excercising everyday cause i know if i skip i will lose my momentum. Thanks once again though <3
  • Hello everyone. I am 200lbs, 5'5, and 15 yrsold! I know that some of u might say that this site is not healthy for me and that im still growing but plz i need to lose weight. I am very scared of the health cosequences of being unhealthy for too long. I would appreciate if any of u have any tips. I am committed to doing…
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