

  • how sweet of her! I am with the other posters. I have spent the last year resisting a LOT. This year I am just going to enjoy the treats without going overboard and then go back to resisting next week. Have a few... enjoy the fact that she thinks enough of you to make them special for you... and share your good fortune…
  • I have a treadmill and a bike in the house. I hate the treadmill and am probably going to try to sell it soon. I do like my bike but have been using the bike at the gym more lately. We also have tunnels underneath the office and i take about 45 minutes on days i am not going to the gym to go down there and walk. You could…
  • I still chuckle at the first time I did the hula hoops. My dog sat on the floor next to me with such a puzzled expression. "I don't understand the game we are playing mom." hehe
  • I haven't updated this at all and I fear I am going to have a hard time getting there on time to see the Baby but I shall try. I have biked and walked 9 miles. ouch! Seriously need to get moving if I am going to get there in the next 10 days! :-)
  • This has been my ringtone since I started this journey. I think I really need to dust it off again because I seem to have lost some of the spirit of it. It is a New Year's song, but I think it fits what I want to feel like all the time. :-) It is by SheDaisy. "Brand New Year (My Revolution)" My revolution Welcome to my…
  • Wow... so I am feeling like I need to put more stuff in my bag. Some of the stuff that is in there is only there because I used the bag on the last vacation I went on and decided it would be useful at the gym too...lol I have the clothes that I am going to wear that day at the gym, as well as the shoes and socks. Deoderant…
  • lol i was thinking the same thing. Also that the bag must be either very large and heavy, or he is very tiny and could fit in her pocket! :-)
  • Nobody ever names my favorite... Y'all are missing some gooood hilarity. Muppet Christmas Carol is the best. Light the lamp not the rat! Light the lamp not the rat! hilarious.
  • This was totally a bubba gump post. (i love the ideas... i just heard bubba talking in my head about shrimp as i read it...lol)
  • I just want to point out, that while I agree with all the above posters, 8 pounds in 2 months isn't unacceptable either. It may be slower than we want to lose weight, but 1-2 pounds a week is perfectly acceptable and healthy. :-) Beyond that statement, like I said, I agree that you need to feed yourself more. :-)
  • Well I don't have kids, but if I did I think I would have as much fun taking them for a walk as I do my dog. :-) That truly is my favorite cardio... going for a walk through the neighborhoods. It's harder now that it is so cold and dark, but we go whenever we can, and I burn a ton of calories doing it.
  • I bought a set of 10lb on down from Amazon. Not sure how helpful that will be to you in the UK due to shipping costs, but that's where I would start... as a US chick. :-)
  • Check out www.eatbetteramerica.com. They have some cookie recipes that I will be making if I decide to make cookies this year. (the whoopie pies are high on my list ... with a dash of peppermint extract added!)
  • I found that site when I was googling around trying to decide what I wanted my goal weight to be. It totally helped me realize I had no interest in being the goal weight that former diet dude wanted me to be. *love*
  • I do not crave popcorn... ever. I worked in a theatre many moons ago (like 20 years) and still haven't gotten over the popcorn overdose i had there. However... I kinda want to get over it so I have a good excuse to buy popcorn and try this! http://www.ourbestbites.com/2010/11/brown-paper-bag-microwave-popcorn.html…
  • 25g-40g is the minimum former diet dude gave everybody on his program and in general it is a good range. The more you go over it the more water you need to counteract it. The result of too much fiber is not what most people think it is, and is actually constipation.
  • sodium and salt aren't the same thing. change the salt you are using, when cooking for yourself or adding to what is already cooked, and you will lower your sodium. Kosher salt and sea salts don't have as much sodium, and taste better. Table salt is the enemy. ;-)
  • The thing I do to mix up my walks is change the route. I have good neighborhoods to walk through that are interesting with some decent hills and such. As silly as it may sound, I also sometimes drive to a different location just to have a new venue. We have some decent paths in various areas around town (including in my…
  • Many many moons ago I worked at a call center that would take orders for all those ads you see on tv. At one point someone was selling some aromatherapy weightloss aid. I will never forget all the calls I got from people who asked for details on the product and then got indignant when they found out that it included a…
  • The cocoa roasted almonds are in one of the 100-calorie packs. They are in a green box (and usually on the top shelf at my Target.) :-) I bought them once as a treat for one of my diabetic employees and decided to try them myself. I actually expected them to be bad. They are bad... but in the way that makes me want to eat…
  • If it isn't specified, it is as you would find it in the package. And meat is heavier raw, the juice and fat comes out when you cook. (well some of it. ;-) )
  • Make sure you aren't getting TOO much though. If you are getting over, say 50g (depending on how many calories you are eating I would assume) you will need to make sure you are drinking extra water. Getting too much fiber can actually do the opposite of what you would think if you don't get enough water. :-)
  • Slacker Radio just played a song called "It's a good thing Santa ain't single." This is NOT a favorite Christmas song! :noway:
  • Had a bad day yesterday. I need to figure out how to get out of my own way. I have come so far and have been at a solid maintain since July. Ummm... that's great but i don't want to be maintaining right now. It's frustrating and I know that some of this is my own fault. I can't seem to get interested in doing cardio on my…
  • *watches this thread*
  • oy i love me some christmas songs. Mary's Little Boy Child Mary Do You Know? What Child is This Grown Up Christmas List Those are the first ones I always play when I get my playlist out. But seriously... I just love Christmas music. The only thing I hate is when "artists" change the melody of classics just to make it their…
  • They exist??????????????, dogs that lie in?????????????????? please tell my two! they do everything in their power to get me up in the dark! I am jealous [/quote] lol true story! I get her out at 6am to do her thing, many days, and once she is done she comes back in and goes back to bed. On weekends she glares at me if I…
  • I have one that I just added to the food diary. It is called Brie and Apricot Phyllo cups. Not sure how long it takes for those to be searchable but that is what I named it. It is super easy. It is just phyllo cups, about a half inch cube of brie, apricot jam, and a tiny sprinkle of pecans. The calories listed are for a…
  • I had a recipe that called for shredded carrots, celery, radishes, onion and all the normal egg salad stuffs. The deal was that you couldn't mix the veggies in until just before you were ready to serve it because it would get watered down. I thought it was delicious but a little bit of a pain to prepare due to all the…
  • You apparently don't know what else they did to keep warm... hee My issue with going out for walks right now is that d*** wind! If it is warmer I can bring myself to go out in it, but I can't go out without my dog. Okay I can, but I won't, and she is only 5 pounds on her fat days. I don't want to turn my dog into a kite!…