krness Member


  • Intentions accomplish nothing ... was my point. Nice thoughts have no legs.
  • Thanks. I feel better and appreciate BrendaLee and Mac, in particular.
  • I didn't realize this site wasn't going to be helpful for people like us, who have had surgery to address weight loss. You might read this string to get a sense of where most people on this site are at. I wasn't sure how to direct you…
  • Surgery is not a quick fix. You are right and I have said to many, many people over the years that if I had it to do over I would not. I do not recommend it to anyone. My reality is tough - I have scar tissue that is growing in mass and interfering with my ability to eat regular foods. I cannot eat (physically cannot…
  • Not angry at all - not mean either. Pretty tired of the same old canned responses without thought to the person. After 20+ years you can imagine it's quite irritating. I was clear in my post, and what my situation was. The first two comments on this board were off point. Arguably, one (with thin skin) could even say those…
  • Exactly. Thank you. The other comments were kindly intended, I am sure, but clueless - completely. I, of course, have been discouraged by the weight gain but living with the effects of surgery for the past 21 years and was dealing with that the best I could. Complications have been increasing and now unbearable, which is…
  • Thank you. Appreciate your comments.