

  • Just one can eat well all the time. We all have to have our cake and eat it too. After "screwing up" , just reset and try to do better at the next meal. Quit being so hard on yourself, that just causes more stress and more eating and more stress and more......
  • This one is easy....I'm a vegetarian. So I'm thinking baked egg stuffed tomatoes for dinner and watermelon for a snack!
  • By losing it slowly, it is more likely that you will keep it off. You are doing this to get healthier and to stay healthy. Diets are short term and usually leave the dieter feeling hungry or deprived. They may even take off some weight (mostly water), but as soon as you go off of the diet, you usually gain whatever was…
  • Ok...technically it wasn't in my food, but I have not eaten at a Hardee's in about 12 years. They allowed a customer to sit in the dining room and clip his fingernails. When my husband asked him to stop, the other guy got beligerent and the staff told us all that he could do whatever he wanted. In addition to this, there…
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