

  • Smadag, Hi! I'm going to start tomorrow (Monday) as well. Good luck to both of us! I'm already scared of trying again and still not going through with it this time to completion. I will def need this accountability.
  • Southernbelle, Oops, Am just now reading this. Sorry, girl! Let's do day one tomorrow (Mon) solo, then we can do Tuesday night at the park. Would that work for you? I will already be in town because of my class at the university.
  • I've done the program before, too. I lost about 5 pounds and gained lots of endurance. I climbed Squaw Peak in Phoenix and made it to the top because of the running I'd done in the 2 months prior. I loved not huffing and puffing up a flight of stairs like I'm back to doing, so I definitely want to start Couch 2 5k again,…