Please count me in!! Hallie- 1 Mollie - 1 Dounia - 1 Pam - 1 Lana - 1 Laura- 1 Shanae - 1 Felicia -1 Jill - 1 Beeps - 1 SheBauer - 1
So the holiday curse begins. I didn't go to work today and spent the day running errands and hanging out with my daughter. While I tried to be thoughtful about my food choices, I was over my caloric goal. However, tomorrow I will be attending the Turkey Jam @ Lifetime Fitness. 60 minutes of athletic step! Here's to trying…
Starting weight for challenge - Today's Date - 11/22/11 Today's weight - 220 Goal weight for challenge - 213 Your personal goal - 218 Self-Challenge: Consistancy at the gym, take my vitamins constantly How you are doing on your personal goal - Obviously I'm up, which sucks but I am every vigilant.
Ok, so today in yet another crappy day. A sandwich and water turn into a sandwich, 2 20oz fountain sodas (free refills) and a cookie. How quickly I fall off the wagon. Could use some inspiration to keep going. Looking for friends that aspire to inspire!!!
Starting weight for challenge - Today's Date - 11/7/11 Today's weight - 218 Goal weight for challenge - 213 Your personal goal - 218 Self-Challenge: Consistancy at the gym, take my vitamins constantly How you are doing on your personal goal - I'm disappointed in myself, as I roll out of the McDonald's drive-thru this…
My weigh in is in the morning, and I'm pretty nervous. It's been a tough week
Not my best day. Ate lunch at Shane's Rib Shack AND skipped on th gym. Dinner was good, salmon and spinach. Dessert not so much, carrot cake and wine. Tomorrow is a new day, and I gotta keep my head in the game. It's too early to give up.
Actually ate breakfast this morning and completed my log last night. HURRAY!! :happy:
Checking in! Just getting home from tearing up Step class at the gym. So sore, so tired :smile:
I am so with you on the sugar....I'm suffering from Halloween as we type :embarassed:
I am in! SW as of 10/31: 218 Goal for November: 213 Self-Challenge: Consistancy at the gym, take my vitamins constantly