

  • Wow!-was feeling a bit overwhelmed before I saw your before and after but WOW what an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your photos Ed. You're a real success story
  • I think we're all scared that we won't stick to this; I know I am. I just keep focusing on the day, sometimes the meal, sometimes the moment. If I try to think about how many days or weeks or months this will take, I just panic, so I'm starting with today. I think you can do this-your body's bad health is just a way to…
  • I am 47 years old and want to live life to the fullest so I am trying to leave the dinner table feeling a little less full each time. :) Experts say that people who lose weight with others keep it off so let's work together to reach our goal. 150 pounds lighter is where I'm headed. Good luck to all of us. We CAN do this!