thats hilarious! i wonder if she has a specific fan that she likes
SO AMAZING! What a wonderful accomplishment. You rock!
Wow! I'm super impressed, way to go!!
I tried it for the first time tonight and hated it. It looks like cat throwup. or something equally as gross haha. the texture was too much to get over
Oh and when I do get my "snack attacks" as I call them, I find that peanut butter on toast and a glass or orange juice works the fastest.
I'm hypoglycemic too! I'll add you and you can see some of the stuff I eat. For me, I think eating about every 3 or 4 hours keeps me stable and also complex carbs help a lot too. I mean I don't eat a TON of them, but i definitely notice more blood sugar dips without eating any.
No problem, girl!
Going over my sugar goal!! Seems to happen more often than not. I don't get too worked up about it though because most days I go over it is because of fruit. And, well... I refuse to feel bad about eating fruit.
Nice job! That's some great work and you look awesome.
balsamic vinnaigrette goes well with most salads and isn't too high in calories. There's usually some good ones by where the bagged salads are.
You should look for light versions of the things you drink. I know there's a tropicana orange juice with half of the sugar and calories as the regular version. Also, using a sugar free coffee creamer in your coffee saves tons of sugar and about half of the calories. If the taste of the sugar free creamer bothers you, Silk…