

  • It will heal and then you can continue. I had to face facts when I hurt myself that part of it was coming to terms with my age, the weight I had gained and that I hadn't done any form of exercise in a while so naturally I was not going to jump back into an exercise program like I was 20! Take these things into…
  • Do some upper body exercises til it feels better. You don't want to injure it further so you'll be forced to go to the drs! I try to avoid it myself due to an out of control co-pay! Ice, Icy Hot and Motrin!
  • Did something similar with 30 Day Shred! Motrin, Icy Hot and ice for about a week and a half. I've modified the workout a little til I can build up some strength.
  • I have a few things I can't do without......a glass of Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio, dark choc. m&m's, ice cream in any flavor or form and then theres the salty crunchy cravings that usually are satisfied by Cheezits or potato chips. The Pinot tops the list though!
  • Nice to meet you theamazingcoolme! Extra weight is a challenge when you're of smaller stature. I just started tracking calories last week and have already dropped 5lbs. Of course it's probably the infamous 5lbs. of water we supposedly all have! But it's a start. I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred at the advice of a…
  • Nice to meet you shutterbabe. I am 5'2" and have about 20- 25 to lose. I sometimes feel wierd coming to places like this with so little to lose next to others but as a person of smaller stature yourself, you know what 20 lbs means!!! I am from RI and have neglected myself for many years while raising 3 kids, taking care of…
  • Hi Carrie! Just signed on myself from the advice from a good friend on FB. Put on 20 lbs. this past year alone when I started working full time. Good luck to you and it's nice to be here for some support! Pam
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