Thats a really good idea!
Halloween is my favorite holiday. I would love to feel my best by then!!!! I'm in :)
I completely know where you are coming from. I am fine throughout the day when I am at work or out and about. But after 6pm when I am home alone, it is just me and my food. I always say this has to stop and its the last time but the next night I am there with my emptiness and my food
I hate how people think it is just overeating with junk and you can just cut it out. I sort of black out when I binge. I eat and eat and I dont really know I am doing it and can't stop until I absolutely hate myself. When I am done I realize everything I ate. It makes weight loss so very difficult :( It is so hard to…
I need this. I am new to the group and struggling very much so. May Challenge: Me: 1 Binge: 1