

  • It is not life sustainable to eat under 1200 calories. I saw a couple of posts people made and said they were on a DIET which is terrible in the first place, eating less than 1200 calories. It is crazy!! Your body is most definitely going to store fat because it needs to save energy! Think about it, it only makes sense.…
  • hi!! I love this!!! i think challenges are really fun and motivating so keep up the good work!! I have been holding some challenges too and they will become more frequent. I have a nutrition/exercise challenege starting the monday after thanksgiving. If anyone wants to join, just friend request me on facebook, my account…
  • Wow!! This is amazing :) Good job!! Keep it up!
  • Hi ladies! I would love to help support!! I love health and fitness and I am a personal trainer, I would love helping out anyone who has any questions, i will do my best!! :) I also created a Facebook page: www.facebook.com/xxcommittobefitxx .. This page will help me and hopefully many others try to stay commited to…
  • Hi everyone! I would love to help support!!! I love health and fitness and I am a personal trainer, I would love to help with any questions you may have!! :) I also created a Facebook page: www.facebook.com/xxcommittobefitxx Feel free to message me and add me as a friend!! Good luck! You can do it!