

  • I watch my calories, when, I see someone else overeating, I see it as a warning for me to stay focus and disciplined.
  • Your weightloss is just fine. I look at my scale once or twice a week(sunday and wed.) I use it as a guide to see if the needle is going in the right direction. I don't care if its 2lbs, 1lb. etc. as long as its going down. That keeps me going on. I started on a lower calorie diet on 7/1/12 using 1700 calories as my max. I…
  • I think about why I'm doing this. I think about my life, how frustrated I feel and how left out I am. That keeps me going, staying focus. Reading other peoples success also inspires me to continue on to.
  • Hell we all have cheated or messed up on a diet, thats, not new. I recently messed up on my calorie count. I'm one of those men who never counted calories. That was what women did! Ha now I see the science behind it. No one can be harder on us than us! Foregive yourself and continue on. You will be successful! So will I.
    in Tough love Comment by leader62 July 2012
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