Married for 3 years been with him for 9 years known him for 15. If he doesnt get his stuff together maybe divorced.
Im 5'9 210lbs in a size 12. Started out in a size 16 at 250lbs after having my son. My lowest weight was 158 size 8.
You just have to find something you love for exercise I still fall off the wagon on eating but my friend got my daughter an xbox 360 kinect and dance central and I found that I love dancing. I suck at it but I play it for hours at a time plus it gives me something to do with my 7 year old. Its fun and a game and I love…
I have both dance central 1 and 2 and they are great for working out I lost 20 lbs since i got my xbox 360 kinect I just got the second game. If you actually stick to it it is wonderful. I did great for like 2 weeks and lost weight Ive slacked since than I am still losing weight but not as much as I would if I was doing it…