vtsantiago Member


  • I went through the same thing and calorie cycling worked for me. It is exactly like the other person said - do 2000, 1400, 1750, 1500, 1850, 1400, 1600. Also ask yourself if you are eating enough. Eat back your calories burned while bf. I average 1800 - 1900 (net) calories a day and I ebf my 4 month old.
  • I am ebf my 3 month old and I do circuit training and calisthenics. This is my first week back to work and my goal is to exercise 3-4 per week. I like to do dvds at home. I really like Jillian's dvds. I put all my information into the system and I add breastfeeding as cardio exercise at 400 calories. Make sure you eat…
  • wow you are busy! :) I have 2 myself and I work. I do 15 -20 minute workouts early in the am like 4 or 5...I also walk on my lunch break (even if it is just around my office building) I try to get to the gym at least 1 time per week. I make working out a game for my 19month old. He likes to help me pull out the exercise…
  • that is fantastic! congrats! thank you for sharing and inspiring:)
  • There are a lot of different ways to input it. I put breastfeeding in as cardio that burns 400 calories a day. I EBF my 2 month old. Others manually change their calorie goal and add 400-500 onto that. I have also seen some mom's put nursing in the food diary as -calories. The Breastfeeding group has lots of info.
  • I wear a nursing bra and a sports bra on top for extra support..workouts can be painful!
  • Thank you for all the feedback ladies. Last week I increased my calories and changed my workout routine. I also did calorie cycling. I lost 3.4 lbs! I am going to keep "eating more to lose more" :)
  • Plateaus are normal. It could be several things. You may have gained muscle which weighs more than fat. Or you may need to change your work out routine. It is good to do different workouts. "Muscle Confusion" keeps your body changing. Try calorie cycling. Eat the same amount of calories for the week but cycle them. Example…
  • I am a ebf mom of a 2month old girl. I also have a 1.5 year old boy. I actually started the 30 day shred in June. I lost 17 lbs with it. It really works!
  • I am a ebf of a 2 month old and I have 1.5 yr old little boy. I am new too. I sent a friend request :)
  • hello :) I am ebf my baby girl. I also have a 1.5 year old boy. I want to get back to my pre pre preganancy shape. I just hit a plateau. I am going to try completely switching my workout routine and calorie cycling. I was doing the 30 day shred. My hubby said my body probably got accustomed to my old routine and I need to…
  • I have been averaging 1755 a day. I had been steadily losing 2 lbs per week for the last 7 weeks. Last week I hit a wall and lost 0. I have been reading all the different breastfeeding posts and I think I may be eating too little? I had been including breastfeeding under my exercise as 300 calories burned. I am going to up…