

  • I agree with Sbeheimer. Throw in an occasional day of higher calories and that will "mix up" your metabolism. Yesterday I went a smidge over 1200 and today I was at about 1,000 because I skipped lunch. I had a nice sized dinner, I feel full, yet I'm under 1,000. I believe in the mixing it up theory... let's see if it works…
  • Not to get into too much TMI, but are you having more "movements?" Do you think you are eliminating more than usual? Studies have shown that even people who have regular movements a day, do not necessarily get everything out. Maybe the healthier gut is allowing you to release more.... By having a healthier gut, not only…
  • I'm so happy for you! Great success. What fun it will be when your numbers start with a #1.
  • I'm a big fan of juicing. Both juicing and smoothies. I am not doing that right off the bat (I just joined today), but I do see myself evolving into that. I will be trying to eat as raw as possible, and will incorporate juicing in there as well eventually. Feel free to add me as your Friend, I will support you in this.