

  • What time do you normally get up? If you are accustomed to getting up an hour before work, trying to get up another hour + early immediately can be tough on your body. Try setting the alarm for 10-15 minutes earlier and see how that goes for a few days. Then, get up another 10-15 minutes earlier. You may also need to…
  • Add strength training and interval training. Keep your diet clean, cutting out processed foods, alcohol, and refined sugar. I would also recommend measuring yourself and go by inches not just pounds. Good luck! EDIT: Yes, based on your current weight and how much you have to lose, averaging 2lbs, possibly even 3lbs a week…
  • If you walked for 5 miles at 3.5MPH uphill the entire time, you may have burned that much. Comparatively speaking, 3.0MPH for that time on a flat surface would get you less than 300. I use this for calorie estimates: