wardba4 Member


  • I agree with you have been thinking of doing that buthaven't as of yet.
  • Not to over simplify things but it's as simple as calories in vs calories out! If you are gaining either you are maybe under estimating what you are eating or over estimating your exercising.
  • Most Excellent News!
  • On days when i can't get to the gym i turn on food network set the stove timer usually for 30 minute increments and run in place while watching my favorite cooking shows! I was simply amazed at the amount of calories burned for 30 minutes of jogging in place!
  • Welcome I love the phone app and ipod touch app it make logging so easy good luck as you continue your journey
  • Hi and Welcome this is a great place full of support good luck on your journey
  • If you have time go for a walk before dinner that will give you a couple hundred extra calories!
  • when you feel the urge to binge i still have them especially in the evening, i binge on healhy things now. Where i used to tear thru a whole row of oreos i now will have a 100 cal pack of say yogut covered pretzels that covers my sweet needs. then i hit the carrots and fat free ranch you can eat just about as much of that…
  • Don't beat yourself up, remember this is not a crash diet it is a lifestyle change. Do you really think everyone is perfect everyday? i am not but i am honest in my diary that is what counts. Today is a new day! So reflect on what you ate and make a pllan for the next time to still be a little bad but not as bad as you…
  • 1. Yes but sometimes not all of them 2. yes
  • Already had breakfast, then off for a workout home shower take my daughters to the ski bus for there trip home laundry cleaning maybe grocery store dinner then get the kids when the bus returns at 9pm. wow i am tired from just typing lol. have a great saturday everyone.
  • Sorry dont have a stean and shake close by in upstate NY, but the south west chicken salad sounds great!
  • I look at the other items, i also have quite a few in the red on a daily basis, but as long as i am under my calorie goal all is good. If you are concerned about weight loss that is all that matters. If you are under your goal you will lose weight. I am living proof it works. Hope this helps.
  • Doug totally agreewith you. I am living proof. As long as calories in is lees than callories out you will lose weight. It doesn't matter one iota what the calories are! thanks for the great post.
  • Welcome. Glad you are having a great week. Hopefully it will continue to another great week and a great month and so on.
    in hello Comment by wardba4 January 2011
  • I like your thinking. This is a new way of life for me also and I will not be deprived. I have learned that with some exercise I can eat just about anything i want. which is great. I plan on enjoying myself over the holidays and hopefully the scale will still go down next weigh in.
  • I am going to weigh in. I plan on sticking to my new dietary habits through out the whole season. hopefully! Merry Christmas to all!
  • heaviest weight 269 start MFP weight 265 Current weight 250.5 Goal 175 Loook forward to reaching goalswith everyone
  • welcome you can do!
    in Hi Comment by wardba4 December 2010
  • Welcome you will find lots of support here! my best advice is be honest with your diaries! If not you are only cheating yourself.
  • Welcome Megan You will find lots of support here. I am on a quest to lose 85 pounds. Good luck on your journey
    in Hello Comment by wardba4 December 2010
  • I don't call it cheating, if i want something i eat it. What is different since i joined MFP is that I will add time to a work out or go for a walk to burn off the calories of the extra treat I just have to have! I have also notice the amount of or size of the portion have also decreased.
  • This may sound overly simplistic butI believe you can eat anything you want the key is moderatio. As long as you are under your calorie goal you will lose weight! for example recently read an article about a Twinkie diet all the person ate was twinkies and yes he lost weight! the key is how many twinkies he ate each day…
  • Man you are mynew role model! God I can't wait to post before and after pics looking as good as you do! Great job!
  • sorry for double post internet connection issues
  • More stress = more belly fat I read that somewhere Before MFP I dealt with stress by eating my way thru it! Now i either hit the gym or go for a walk! What a difference I have noticed!
  • I remember reading an article linking stress and bellyfat. Befor I started MFP I would deal with stress by eating! Now I deal with stress by either going for a brisk walk or hitting thew gym. What a difference I have noticed.
  • That is fantastic Congratulation on your success. I can't wait until I get to type a post like that!:love:
  • Welcome
    in New Comment by wardba4 December 2010
  • The site is wonderful and great support is here but you still have to fill out your diary and be honest in filling out your diary! that has been the biggest help to me is the diary. If you are honest in yur diary it will be a real eyeopener. I was shoched at how maany calories i was actually consuming! More than anything…