

  • One of the most common problems I find is that people "Self-Diagnose" Shin Splints. Shin Splints are actual fractures and need specific rest and treatment. My daughter was in track and they kept telling her she had shin splints. I took her to a specialist and they advised she doesn't have shin splints...the problem was the…
  • Welcome Aboard!!! You will find lots of support here and even a good kick to get it in gear when you are slacking. Over all, what you are looking for, you can find here and it is a wonderful place to be! Feel free to check out my profile and friend me if you think we have similar goals! Regardless - congratulations on…
  • Purchased the Polar FT4. Thanks everyone!
  • The people who love me only care that I am getting fit. I could care less what anyone else thinks...if it makes someone feel better to put me down because I am getting healthy, that is the problem of the other person - not me. I want to be able to run around with my grandkids when they show up (someday in the distant…
  • Looks like I am going to be going with Polar Brand. Thank you sooo much everyone for your feedback. I don't mind spending the money if it works :happy:
  • Can certainly see a more defined waist in the head on shot and for the side view - definite difference in stomach and butt. Keep it up!!!
  • I find that when lacking motivation it makes it harder when you aren't accountable to anyone. This means that working out alone and at home doesn't work - no matter how "great" the workout is. You have to be accountable and make plans with someone so that they are counting on you to be there. It is what you need to get in…
  • I'd have said in a crying voice "OMG, I thought you wouldn't notice and here I was trying to so hard to impress you! That's it - I quit it all - thank you for pointing out to me that I can't control myself so why bother." Then I would have taken hers, thrown it on the floor and then stood there stone faced eating my ice…
  • In the US "Pizza" is considered a vegetable so that they can serve it in the is eating that "healthy" that put us all on MFP in the first place.
  • I tried increasing my intake by using Crystal Light but the amount of aspartame I was consuming was awful...and the headaches were blinding. Between aspartame and hidden sugars I chose to stick with the plain water but really cold or add a lemon.
    in water Comment by jmfraggis July 2012
  • From what I understand from my food and nutrition specialist, if you are just starting out with exercising you have to remember that your body isn't used to burning the calories so it will hoard the food to compensate for the caloric burn...kind of a "WTH" response from your body. Once it realizes that you will keep…
  • You should be SOOOOO Proud of yourself for sticking with it!!!! You inspire others without even knowing it!