

  • Thanks! That helps a lot. I'm just finishing up week 2 of paleo and I'm down 9 lbs. :)
  • I have noticed a change in my eating patterns as well. I worry that my calorie total at the end of some days is too low. How low is to low? I've seen on some other posts where people have broken down percentages for carbs, protein, fat, etc. How did you figure that out?
  • Thanks for the suggestion! I just placed on order, although the code did not work for me (tried twice). Oh well, excited to try something different. I'm a little over a week in and my fiance is a week and a half in and collectively we are down 15lbs.
  • I am on day three of paleo and I'm doing okay. A little slip here and there, but overall, it's going well. Anyone have good websites to refer to? I have a hard time figuring out what grains I can have and specifics like that.