

  • Hi. I am at 150 now & would love/die to get to your current weight. All the best!
  • Hi. Yes, I will try to add on more varieties to my workout by going to the pool on weekends, doing laps for about 35 mins. Hope this will help to give me some tangible signs next week. I am not giving up just yet...............
  • Hi. I try to put in 3 times of walking around the park near my office weekly. I will usually do 5 rounds in about 1 hr 15 mins for 6.25 km, at moderate pace. Stretching exercise in the morning for about half hour daily. Quite a 'small' eater whereby I consume less than 1,000 calories daily. My intake is usually around. Any…
  • Hi. Thanks for your reply. Will definitely check sodium intake. Am drinking around 3 liter of water daily. Feel more lighter and energetic since started working out last week.