

  • chunky runner here too :) Training for my first half (well first run EVER) in January! (Disney Tink) Melissa
  • Tummy Tuck and Boob Job.....Goal is to hit my goal by April next year...
  • Have you started training yet?? Atleast I am not alone w/ the crazyness of jumping into a half marathon instead of a 5k or 10k lol
  • I have good shoes..(ck'd gait and all that good stuff) Doing the ice method, sitting elevated right now lol...I know rest but yea I just cant lol....I "think" it was because I would wear the shoes when I would walk/jog but not when I was doing videos such as insanity or jillian's kickboxing.. Just finished doing the…
  • Not until January...Its the Disney Tink.....Gives me some time to drop some weight lol.....about 35 more lbs to meet my goal weight for run day... :)
  • I started on my treadmill and just started outdoors...found a park that has a small track around it so the kids play and mom walk/jogs....I have never ran a day in my life so this is ummmmm well interesting to say the least lol...I am by no means a small person so on top of learning to run, I have had to get over the whole…
  • I started to C25K too....but I jumped in with both feet and signed up for a half marathon (crazy I know) Never ran a day of my life but needed motivation to loose ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 75 lbs lol...Good Luck! I got stuck on week 7....but moved to the jeff gallaway running to train for the half marathon...... ~ Melissa
  • Which half did you sign up for? I signed up for the Tink one in January.....Never ran anything before lol.....talk about jumping in w/ both feet! I started w/ the C25k and then switched to the JG one that is on the run Disney site.... ~Melissa
  • I signed up the day it opened.....Was a personal challenge to stay on task to loose the weight....I am a goal oriented person so needed some motivation....Never ran EVER so its been an experience....but excited! ~Melissa
  • Are you talking about the Tinkerbell half in Jan??? I signed up for it! Never ran a day in my life! ~Melissa