janestoaster Member


  • If you can get some dumb-bells its so much more effective with them, but if not try using two water bottles just be careful with your grip on them, even if you don't want to use water bottles I would still say do it, as it really is a good work out.
  • Just finished day2 level 2, and it really ramps up. I think level three will kill me, but as they say what doesn't kill you (and it might) will make you stronger (please god let this be true). Oh and a message to JM... you will not defeat me you devil woman! LOL
  • Hello, Just finished day 9 level one, so far fro what I can say is it does seem to kill until the fourth or fifth day, then all of a sudden I found I was doing all of the exercises the whole way through (those side lunges kill me though). Another thing, for me at least, is taking a rest day, I had one after the fifth day…
  • Ryvita with a teaspoon of peanut butter, hits my sweet tooth, but only about 60 odd calories.
  • Just completed day 1 level one. I actually didn't find it too hard, so am thinking should I start with heavier weights, like I worked up a sweat but never occurred to me to stop? I'm using 1kg weights.
  • Hello, Not sure, so please don't take this as gospel but I was told that if you lose weigh at a gradual, sensible pace the skins elastic will mean you shouldn't have too much lose skin, but if you lose it too quick you will. Again, not sure if this is right and if anyone else know please let me know too cause I have to…