Pure Protein has shakes and bars with little sugar. The bars do have sugar alcohol but the shakes do not. I use them in a pinch and they have saved me on days I'm needing a quick breakfast. The drinks don't require refrigeration but they taste better cold.
Have no problems dropping money for running gear and races but hate buying regular clothes & accessories.
That is inspiring. Great job!!
Great work! Slow and steady wins the race.
I ditto dewd2's advice. Doing too much to soon is how several people end up either injures or burned out. I find that slow and steady wins the race. Be consist in your runs (One long plus 2 shorter runs during the week). Then you can start to build upon that and no more than 10% increase each week. I ended up running three…
I don't know what to congratulate you on first. Giving up smoking, losing the weight, doing a half marathon, doing a mountain one at that, and finishing in the top 1/4. All are awesome accomplishments. As a fellow half marathoner I just have to say "You Rock"!!!
I'm restarting as well. I might as well make my running worth it. :smile:
One year ago I was 204. I'm now 166!
You look great! Congrats!