tcocci Member


  • Woooo-hooooo! Finally 1 pound below my original start weight! I'm so happy; the big 140----can't wait to break into the 130's! Good luck everyone.:glasses:
  • Good for everyone; 1 more pound lost for me; I think I'm at my original start weight finally. It's all downhill (uphill?) from here!:laugh:
  • Ok, I'm back; doing well, still have only lost about 2.5 pounds----haven't broken through my original start weight, but I'm hopeful it will happen soon. We're leaving on a 4-day road trip soon, so that will be an eating challenge for sure. Good luck everyone! Gee, it's hard to eat healthily in the summer---too many social…
  • Day 2 for me; still feeling good and motivated. Not sure how I lost 3.2 pounds since yesterday, maybe just water weight/something hormonal going on? Oh well, it looks good and gives me even more motivation to keep going. Good luck, everyone!
  • Ok, I'm starting again. This is my first official weigh-in; 147 lbs, I'd love to lose 12-15 in the next few months! Back on the elliptical this morning, went for a hike this afternoon with the kids. Thought a McDonalds fruit smoothies would be a healthy choice; yikes! A medium has 260 calories, fyi!