

  • Thanx 4 the support @ honeybunny. I was hoping at least somebody could relate to some aspect. Good luck on your journey as well.
  • Thanx for the welcome(s) :) @Verp.... I saw results with each thing I tried. My biggest failure was lack of consistency/loss of motivation. @JC.... Yes! I've tried all that PLUS alot more. In order to qualify for the lapband procedure back when I got it in 2007, I had to have tried at least FIVE different diets and that…
  • Eh I'm an emotional creature so words = hurtful for me...especially the infamous "You have such a pretty face, if you lost weight you'd be....". ACTIONS = Motivation (4 me). Kinda twisted but when people act negative toward me whether it be just plain "hatin'" (ie eye rolling, sabotage) or me missing opportunities because…