Took a long time off. Moved to a NYC so I walk a couple miles every day now but that's just my normal commute so I don't think it counts for this. Trying out gyms around here now. Did a mile on the elliptical yesterday. 261 miles.
Hope I get into this term. Would love to go back to Hogwarts!
260 miles. Camp in thickets.
241 miles in means I've made it to Weathertop! Watch out everyone. There are Nazgul here. I guess I better hurry on down the road.
Hello, Flora! I haven't been walking as much as I used to, but since I last posted I have managed another 10.5 miles which brings my total to 210.5 miles.
Hello, Nancy! I'm glad to see someone else here! Yesterday's walk got me to the 200 mile mark. I definitely plan on making it to Rivendell by the end of the year. It shouldn't be too hard since it means I will need to average just 5 miles a week.
178 miles
Congratulations, zippo32!
159 miles
Congratulations, Libby! At mile 154 now.
146 miles
135. Made it to Bree!
130 miles. Just 5 more miles to go until I reach Bree!
122 miles
107 miles
103 miles
I'm in! Time Lords, please!
Sounds cool! I want to be a Time Lord, please!
Welcome back, d3mon4ngel! Two more miles today brings me to 99 miles total.
97 miles
Pottermore says I'm a Ravenclaw but if that's full, I can be in Hufflepuff.
95 miles. Stop by Old Man Willow to rest. Rescued by Tom Bombadil.
93 miles
91 miles.
Where is everyone? My 1 mile walk with the dog yesterday brings me to 89 miles total.
Getting lost and walking 5 miles to find a UNESCO World Heritage Site brings me to 88 miles total. I hope to start walking more now that I'm back from my semester abroad and am back into a more normal routine.
Another weekend trip in which hiking was involved. Two more miles brings me to 83 miles. Still on the path in the forest.
Sorry I haven't been here in a while. I'm studying abroad for a semester, and it took me about a month to get out of vacation mode and realize I need to get back to eating right and exercising. Went on a trip with friends the other day and we wound up hiking up a hill. The views were spectacular and reminded me of Middle…
79 miles. On path in the forest.