Tann19 Member


  • polar is "fine" for fitness only, the foot pod can be inaccurate at times. but if you want GPS capability, garmin is the one. I want to use it for both fitness workouts and running outside. Had a garmin 305, loved it, it died after a few years of daily use. Researching a new one, plan on getting the 310 xt.
  • I'm planning on buying a new one first, and work my way through that before investing a few hundred
  • I take fish oil supplements and eat a lot of wild caught salmon, which are both good for omega-3, they have helped greatly with day to day inflammation.
  • I grew up with home cooked meals, so if it's not home cooked I'm not very interested. At work most people don't like to cook so it's not that hard for me to resist. Even when it's a potluck most people don't cook, it's usually fast food or something from walmart. When there is home-cooking I just have a taste, I never have…
  • Everyday, sometimes twice a day, in morning and at nights when I get home. Fluctuations don't bother me, even a 5 pound increase in one day isn't an issue, but if I see it consistently going up over several days then I know I need to do something different. If you're going to obsess about it, then you shouldn't weigh…
  • Don't know but, 2 calories is nothing to worry about ps: 0 calories doesnot mean no calorie, less than 0.5 is legally considered 0, but it adds up :flowerforyou:
    in coffee Comment by Tann19 October 2012
  • I'm constantly falling off, I'm surprised I don't have a concussion. But you just get right back on it and teach it who's the boss! :drinker:
  • :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: wow…
  • http://www.sarkproducts.com/elastic_strap.htm
  • dancing to music and wii sports or just dance series would work. you could also have competitions where everyone tries to better their own results, daily pushups, situps or squats
  • hrm takes 3 aspects into consideration, height, weight and heartrate which it uses to measure your intensity, while gps pedometer only uses 2, height and weight , logic dictates that hrm should be more accurate. nothing commercial is 100% accurate, just use it as a guide.
  • usually official race distances are marked that if you take every inside corner at the right time it should work out to the distance of the race (5k, 10k etc) meaning most often than not you will always run a little more than the official race distance. don't worry about it, it's not that much.
  • stick to the couch to 5k, keep doing what you can until you're able to complete the level. treadmill is fine but it might be better if you did it outside, you would have greater control rather than trying to keep up with a treadmill. I started outside then moved to the gym once I could run a mile consistently.
  • you won't know until you try, if it's not working you making adjustments. good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • what would be the purpose of consuming coconut oil before you run?
  • I have had similar experiences for different reasons. -I'm anemic, working-out can make you feel light headed if the iron levels are very low, had this experience once where for 2 months I worked-out everyday and everyday I almost passed out, until I got my iron levels high enough where it just stopped. -dehydration, that…
  • The moderators must be sleeping :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • trick question? and overall bodyfat % is not necessarily related to stomach fat. even when I am 45lbs overweight I don't have a "gut" I gain weight on my hips and legs. there are some people who gain a lot of weight around their stomach and have very thin legs. but once your bodyfat is less than 20% you shouldn't have a…
  • using ice will help keep inflammation down
  • I agree stretching will be very helpful, but you should continue to with the workout just dial the intensity down a bit. If you stop the workout you will get stiff before you get better. If you can't do that workout do something else that is less strenuous but will work the muscles. you'll make it!
  • brushing your teeth and such is "physical activity" not "exercise". Similar concepts but different, one is just movement the other is intentional for building physical fitness. I'm just going to throw that out there. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:…
  • Like others said before go at your own pace, also you can make modifications but keep moving even just moving from side to side.
  • whatever floats your boat! I'm too busy getting mine to worry about other people:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • no one is forcing anyone to buy anything, some people would call that communism. be thankful for free will, it is sad what some people do with it, but it is their choice to make at the end of the day! :glasses:
  • I'm in horrible shape and I think I'm the best thing since slice bread! whole wheat! :drinker:
  • hate to break it to you but not everyone is here to support other people, everyone has there own reasons for being here and just like in the real world people are going to be mean. As well some people can take the truth, not because someone says something you don't agree with doesn't make it wrong. I see something I don't…
  • while I agree that more details could be needed in the labeling, such as calorie content in a larger serving. which sensible person uses two bottles a week? really, that was not how it was intended to be used, it's an oil substitute they did nothing illegal I have seen much worse labeling, need to responsibility for our…
  • it's just Jamaican, I have friends who migrated from Cuba, Africa even China and as soon as they become citizens we are all just plain ole Jamaicans! and that's all it says in our passport! They are still very proud of where they were born and doesn't take away from that.
  • you should ask your Dr for examples of what you should be doing. and sticking to exercise that don't raise your heart rate to much. you might want to think about getting a heart rate monitor so you can keep track of your heart rate and not wait until you feel faint to tell when it is elevated. walking though might be the…
  • I agree with you, but I think that especially the US government on forms and applications should have black as an option for those who are not American