

  • I could not help but smile when i saw this thread. I have been indulging in homemade Tazo chai lattes daily for the last week. I use 4 oz of organic vanilla soy milk and 4 oz of Tazo. This has become a breakfast staple for me since my all day classes have begun. I am still loosing weight but have slacked off on posting my…
  • LOl at CRD. I have to find someone to focus on in most of my zumba classes so as not to be thrown off by ppl with this disorder. Zumba is so much fun! Ppl w/ CRD make it entertaining! I go 3 to 4 times a week because i love to dance. Someone mentioned that it depends on the instructor. This is so true. I have switched the…
  • Some ppl have already suggested this ... but try eating things you like in moderation. As i sit here writing this i am eating my favorite candy... Mamba's. I sometimes make room for it in my calories if i have had an intense workout. You have to allow yourself a few goodies here n there. Girl.... go ahead and have you an…
  • You go girl! You look great! :)
  • Many of the suggestions you have already received are good ones. I often buy marked down meats at the grocery store and freeze them. I also watch for sales on produce and frozen items like fruits and veggies. I buy them when they are $1 for a 1lb bag. You can also buy fresh produce when they have sales (3 for $5 or 2 for…
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