

  • My hubby I think tends to "Nerf" his workout for me. I have a bad knee, bad hip, and now a strained back. I feel like I am falling apart, or my warranty has run out, lmao. I think it is about compromise. Maybe walk a little with her and go back and walk it fast with your boys. Race them, have sprints, etc. My boys (11 &…
  • I absolutely love the idea. I also need someone to keep me honest. Being accountable only to myself on what I eat and if i exercise does not seem to be working for me. lol
  • I have attempted to do this twice, with horrid results, as I had no friends I could use for motivation, so I know your feeling! I have added you, and anyone can feel free to add me. What many don't tell you is that without motivation and support you are not as likely to succeed.