

  • I know that it is a polarizing topic but eating back my exercise calories changed my life. I stopped being hungry and that made all the difference for me.
  • I've been giving this idea serious air time lately as well. I am a Star Wars nerd to boot so I have been thinking of Luke Skywalker riding my road bike while carrying Yoda on his back ala Empire Strikes Back. Around the image will be text reading: "Do or do not, there is no try"
  • I am very envious of your location Liz. I have often contemplated a warmer climate but large families keep me anchored in the north. Not having to invest in winter gear at all would be awesome.
  • Now if I could just figure out how to get my volume of hair back to mid 90's levels I'd be great!
  • Thanks all. I've ridden over 1,000 miles on the bike since July and I feel like I've really found something that will be with me for the rest of my life.
  • Do it by percentage lost like they do on the biggest loser. We did this at my work a long time ago and it was a great motivator! [/quote] hmm, I thought about this, but it still seems like it wouldn't be fair because what if I only wanted to lose 20% and another person wants to lose 50% and we both meet our goals at the…
  • The contest is still going. We end up the weekend before Thanksgiving. I am currently in 2nd place but I have been hawking down the girl in the lead and I am less than 1% away and my average % loss per week has been better than hers for most of the contest. She posted a huge first weigh in and I've been chasing ever since.
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