

  • My goals for Nov were: stick to 2 shakes a day, lose 5-7 lbs, and try and fit in exercise. For the most part, I got the 2 shakes in, I'd say about 60-70% of November I had my shakes. I didn't lose 5-7 lbs, I only lost 1.6 lbs in Nov. I also wasn't able to get any exercise in. Sooo, with those not-so-great results. I'm…
  • Here's my info: cruan (Crystal), 26, Minot Air Force Base, ND, USA (originally from San Diego, CA)
  • It comes out tomorrow!!! I'm done with class at 3:15 and by 4 I will have it in my hands!! :bigsmile
  • Zumba's coming out for Wii, PS3, and XBox 360. It's a latin dance workout. They have it here at the gym, but I don't have very much rhythm so I don't go to the classes. I figure it's okay for me to look like a fool in my house instead of in front of other people! :laugh: I'm sure I'll give it a try right when I get home…
  • Good morning!! Hope everyone's having a good week. Today was my weigh in and I'm down 2.4 lbs!! :bigsmile: Soooo excited!! Total I've lost 7 lbs, almost to my first 10, I can't wait for that! Zumba comes out tomorrow as a video game and I can't wait to be done with school so I can go buy it. I'd rather look like a fool…
  • QOTD: I can't even remember the last non-textbook I've read. I've started so many and haven't had a chance to finish them. But I'm pretty sure the last book I read was Emily Giffin's latest book a couple of years ago. I also have a few fitness books, one that I want to start reading again is "Flat Belly Diet". My husband…
  • I have a 32 oz water bottle that I try and take everywhere with me. My goal each day is to drink 2 full bottles, which is 64 oz. I also have a beverage mix that gets mixed with water and I have that for lunch, so that's another 16 oz of water. So as long as I meet my goal everyday I'm getting about 64-74 oz everyday.
  • QOTD: My favorite workout would have to be swimming. I wish the gym here kept the pool open longer so I could get some swimming in. I'm picking up Zumba for the PS3 next week and I can't wait to try it out! I might have a new favorite.
  • :laugh: I just wanted to check in real quick before I head to school. I weighed in this morning and I'm down. 0.6 lbs from last week. Almost lost the 1 lb I put on the week before, so that's good. I've been trying really hard to have my 2 shakes and then 1 healthy meal during they day. The times this is the hardest is on…
  • I have 2 Herbalife shakes a day and then one healthy meal. When I'm in class on campus it's shakes for breakfast and lunch and then I make dinner at home. Now that I'm in a school all day, I'm going to have shakes for breakfast and dinner and then eat a regular meal for lunch, which I bring from home. I also have the…
  • Hi laides! I just found this post, so I'd like to join in. :smile: My name is Crystal and I'm starting really love this site. I'm doing Herbalife to help me lose weight and so far it's working, I just need to really focus! :laugh: I'm hoping I copied the right list, it's the last one that I could find! Kattungen: To lose 5…
  • I have the Reeboks and love them!!! When I first bought them, I wore them for over 12 hours walking around Disneyland. My feet didn't hurt until I finally sat down to go back to the parking lot. This summer, I walked my dog just about every day for around 3 miles. One day I noticed that my calves looked firmer, my thighs…