

  • I believe it is her athletic build. My daughter plays softball and she is actually really tiny except her butt and legs. She used to hate it but now that she is 17, she is much more comfortable in her own skin. All you can do is keep encouraging her and telling her she is beautiful! Good luck!
  • I am absolutely loving this thread! I love me some metal! Old, new, it's all good! Everything from black flag and suicidal tendencies to straight line stitch and hatebreed....and everything in between! Please add me, we can rock out and get fit together!
  • Angel is exactly right, measuring will help. If you are working out so much, muscle weighs more than fat so you may be losing but it's in inches. Don't give up!
  • I am sure you will do great! You have a head is in your blood! I don't know much about fitness or nutrition but if you need someone to say "you got this" or "get off your *kitten*" I can do it. I could use some motivation myself. Isn't it funny how you can be positive and supportive to others and not…