solardippo Member


  • Positive Mental Attitude February : Day 1 Eating OK so far, though I did have to turn down going out for dinner (no good choices at that restaurant) which meant everyone else then cancelled plans. We are going tomorrow instead, but I do have a 10 mile run planned for the morning so... New Parkrun PR! 5K @ 28:21 (and so…
  • Bless you. And confession: have not updated my weight for a month because that 100lb loss has, um, bounced! It is an unrecorded somewhere in the 90s just now :ohwell: But Madmiss, my brain is in charge!
  • So I am a terrible terrible participant on here. Sorry. What I took from my catchup skim read was this though... Your weather beats my weather with lung searing cold though I did have a brutal long run in howling rain and ankle deep puddles this weekend. And MLP on MFP! I love that you are watching MLP Varda! Me? Sore…
  • Opening Runtastic in another tab to see my statistics for this month... So. Some great, some terrible. Honestly the mileage is the best thing going just now. Everything else MFP related is out of control.
  • Wow. I don't even know who to begin quoting. Everybody seems to be on fire. Where to catch up from? Monday I ran to work before a short but heavy shift where I was doing manual labour anyway so the sweaty me was not an issue. A surprisingly easy 4 miles. Tuesday was my first day actually and truly off since November, so I…
  • A quick update on what I have been up to for the last couple of weeks. Work hours are still long, but with christmas out of the way the time I am not at work is my own again. I got a parkrun / 5k PB on the 28th (29:37! I broke 30 minutes! On hills!) fueled by christmas excess. A nice hour long trot around the park on New…
  • I can't actually conceive of either of those temperatures. My optimal operating temperature for outside is -2 to 12 degrees C. thank you Scotland.
  • You sound so happy! Is it weird that I am actually terrified to enter a 10K even though I run that once a week on my own? What if I enter a race then don't want to run that far on that day? Yup. Weird.
  • Actually, I have just remembered I stopped following my c25k programme to the letter and only doing the longer times once or twice a week, mixing it up with basic 30 min runs... Longer runs 3 times a week was hard on my legs at the beginning.
  • You might just surprise yourself. And hello! Welcome!
  • For the year... just 1. To not give this up. This time next year I will still be doing this, still be loving this, and I will be running a little bit further, a little bit faster and it will be a little bit easier.
  • Hello Candice! January goals are: - Out minimum 3x a week for 5K+ - With a long run of 8 miles/13K once a week gradually building. - Hopefully adding up to 65 miles to beat my December total. - Hello hills! I will tackle you in a structured way again! - Parkrun sub 30 minutes... I have done it once, and need to prove it…
  • It stayed busy and January is nearly as bad! Yay! Apart from the first week when I worked 70+ hours and had lurgy I managed this. Um... Made it to induction and 1x 20 min treadmill run? Not so good. Done! Actually a near miraculous 10lbs (see lurgy and 70 hour weeks....) Currently 3lbs from my revised up goal of 138lb…
  • Hello! So I can't even pretend I have caught up with what has been going on with you all. I am just going to assume you are all still awesome, or if not currently awesome, you are planning to be in the near future. I have had barely a minute to fit in things like showering, wrapping Christmas presents or sleeping (Ok,…
  • So, I last went out for a run on Tuesday morning. Then I went to work. I have basically at work apart from sleeping since then... I also managed to catch lurgy, possibly from one of you. Sinus infection. No voice at all. (none, not even a squeak). Lung chunks. It has been the opposite of fun because I still had to do the…
  • My December goals are... modest. This is by far my busiest time of year at work and I have scaled back my expectations of myself so: Run 3 times a week. (5K if I am outside, half an hour if I am on a treadmill. I am not looking to increase my mileage or anything this month, just staying where I am and being consistent will…
  • I have not been around much - logging on my phone means no forum time and I have been work work working. Fitted in my 5K parkrun on Saturday morning, with my slowest time yet by 20 seconds but I DID NOT WALK. Which was a major victory over the killer hills. Then slogged out 7K this morning. Off to work now and I don't know…
  • I have been busy busy busy, but just caught up on the last two pages. You are all so inspiring, but special mention is going to For making me laugh. I hope you are feeling better Madmiss. I had a terrible run on Tuesday morning. In the pouring rain that was mostly fighting not to walk, walking and having no energy and a…
  • YES! Awesome is the word. Lots of 1.5 hour runs going about here. I want to be one of you and I will be!
  • Good luck with your hour and a half tomorrow Yamsteroo - longer than I have ever gone, and good luck on wednesday. I went out as the light was failing this afternoon to get a wee 2 miles in just because I had done NOTHING all day. Tried to keep my pace down, which I find quite difficult, and my heart rate with it and ended…
  • Parkrun yesterday. That place is still the hilliest hill ever to have hilled... The 5k is 2.5x around the park and I only made is one circuit without needing a walking break. Then several others. Apparently I took 1 second off my time and finished in the bottom 10% again! But I got out and did it and gave it my all at the…
  • Yay for easy runs and boo to dog poo. Sorry to hear about your wife being injured Tim. I hadn't thought about ID when I am out. I do always have my phone on me and it is not locked. It has both ICE contacts in it and 'home'. I remember there being a push on adding ICE to your phone a few years ago and I think it generally…
  • HA! I am going to try to get a second pair of shoes in the next week, so will have a look at the expensive/technical range in the running shop. For now I bout a 75p pair of thin fleece ones...
  • Yup, I am thinking I need to find something lighter: fairy loose and thin. The wooly ones worked OK last night because when I did take them off the cold wind was behind me, but if I had been going in the other direction I think I would have been in unfun world.
  • I have not yet invested in technical leg coverings for running. Since day 1 have have been wearing cheap leggings that are sort of fleece lined (Primark £3 thermal tights, if anybody in the UK cares). I have many pairs, also footed tights ones, but it turned out the ankle length ones are perfect for me running. Tight,…
  • As you should! I went for a quick run tonight when I got in from work. Pitch black, freezing (3 / 37 degrees), and pretty windy after a long cold day at work. Only went because I promised here I would, and you know what? I loved it. Felt like the best run I have done in ages. Told myself I was going to do a 3 mile loop…
  • Great link. I even got out of bed and had a go at the minor exercise. More tomorrow! ...and there is always that cat food.
  • Loving the spacious new digs we have here. All that clutter tidied away. I have... done nothing for the past two days. Nothing. Not even walked to the train station at anything over ambling speed. Oh well. Possibly tomorrow evening after work. It is just so not happening tonight - freaking freezing out there and pitch…
  • So the early starts make sense with longer distances. Doesn't stop me thinking it is mental though. I think it was just on my mind because I am working for an American company for the rest of this week and have a 6.45am call time tomorrow. 80% of my year is spent working more in the 1pm 1 11pm range so that may as well be…