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I really like latex swim caps cause they stretch better than the silicon. The silicon caps are good cause they are more durable but they don't stretch and so much more expensive than latex. With latex you can buy like two and it would equal the same price as one silicon cap.. Hope this helps! :)
Definitely swimming! Swimming is my life!
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I don't know of any waterproof iphone covers but if you are willing to spend some extra money there are waterproof ipods online that need no case. I have one and it's great! Just look up waterproof ipod online and you can buy one on amazon. The company that sells them is waterfi.
I have experienced those horrible pounding headaches when I swim. For me this always happens in the beginning of my swim season. Try swimming slowly and focus on breathing every third stroke. The best advice I can give is KEEP SWIMMING and drink lots of water. When you swim everyday your body gets used to the strain that…
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