

  • Chancie72, I am a total NEWBIE on running. I just signed up for my 1st 5K (March 8 in Cortland). My friend and I are thinking of doing the Color Run in Youngstown, but would really like to run along the lake and end up at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.. talk about a party! We are looking for 2 people to be on our "Team"…
  • I understand! I would do really good for 3 or 4 days.. then just "quit". I joined a gym, I have a treadmill at home, doesn't matter.. I just stopped doing anything to help myself. THEN.. My friends and I each bought a Fitbit. IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! The competition is ON! We can see each others steps taken and its turned…
  • Hi, please friend request me as well! Same boat!
  • Boca crumbles and taco seasoning (watch the salt).. go from there!
  • Which one counts steps? The QVC offer is pretty much a no brainer!
  • Hi Everyone.. I agree.. baby steps. ;) I gained all my weight due to an injury as well. From running xcountry in school, jogging into my 30's.. to injuries and happily married 40's and now.. here I am.. 51yrs old and 5'5 230lbs.. Crapola! I need inspired, so I started reading these posts.. and this one struck a cord. I've…
  • Thanks for the help Zeromilediet! I can eat fish more than anything, maybe a once a week ! Poultry isn't on my list for sure! I do eat lots of kale (in my vitamix with a few other things). So, you think that meat based soup broth would be a good stand in? Because I really like soup! Again, thanks for the help!
  • My Orthopedic Surgeon advised me to get that book, "Why we get FAT and what we can do about it". I read it, and YES, it makes so much sense! I even actually tried it (I am a once a month meat eater, if that). I felt discusting. I just can't eat that much meat! Now what? I just get sick thinking about eating meat, so any…