

  • Sweet!!!!!! I am sooooo jealous.
  • Hi! I'm in kind of the same boat as you; mom of 2 and new to the site. With the 1st I went from 130 to 185ish (that was 10 years ago), bounced between 140-160 afterward, and with the 2nd I went from 150 to 225...yikes! Currently I'm at 188 with a goal of 110. Feel free to add me as a friend! I'd be happy to help any way I…
  • I love love love almonds for a snack and I pair that with a piece of fruit, usually an apple.
  • Actually the Kinect is backwards compatible with all xboxes; it just works with the new consoles without extra cords.
  • I was also playing with the idea of getting a wii to help me lose my prego weight, but then I found out about the Kinect during the e3 conference. I am SO going with the Kinect. They have a few games already set to release that are more for exercise than play. I'm looking forward to Dance Central :) It's gonna be a from…
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