I had oatmeal w/ coconut shavings, flax seeds, and a sprinkle of sugar. Was good, definitely still on the lookout for delicious, healthy, easy everyday options.
Eggs, meat, veggies, fruit (less so in winter), gluten-free pasta, coffee, juice.
Same Girl- Jack Johnson... Cannot get it out of my head!
Hi Stacey, How long have you been on myfitnesspal? Have you found it's been working?
Woo-hoo! Consider it done! I'm starting out today, we can swap daily exercises and food journals. Exercise: Today I'm doing 30 minutes on the Stairmaster & another 30 minutes on weights. Diet: Applesauce as a snack, WATER, grilled chicken breast, and spinach salad with balsalmic vinegar as a dressing.