miranda823 Member


  • It happens! I did something similar yesterday, and wanted to throw up the whole time I was working out. The important part is we realize what we did, and we do our best to make up for it. I am so proud of you for going to Zumba especially since you probably felt like crap! Don't let today define you. You are better than…
  • I need to be better about tracking my water! I'm in. :) starting weight is 271. Dropping another five or a bit more will be awesome.
  • My husband and I usually watch "scary" movies to laugh at them and make fun. these are the two recent ones that did NOT make me laugh: The Exorcism of Emily Rose Insidious I swear they both messed with my head for probably a week or so after.
  • I use 5 lbs but have to sometimes switch up to 3 for the harder moves.
  • I don't typically eat back all my workout calories, but I will use them for a treat sometimes if I really want. Also, if I have netted under 1000 I will definitely eat some more.
  • So week four didn't go as well as I planned. I did the first 5 minute stretch of running, but only made it 2 minutes of the second five minute run. I'm going to repeat this day until I can do it completely before I move forward!
  • You should not keep losing weight, but you can definitely still log calories and work out to stay in shape! You can talk to your dr about what your calorie intake should be
  • Thank you! That's my daughter. The picture is kind of old now!
  • Hi! I am a full time student going for speech and language pathology. It is hard to keep up with school and fitness. I feel like sometimes I have to choose between working out and homework. Of course homework wins when that happens. I'm doing my best to find time for both though. I thought I was getting a summer off but it…
  • Just finished week 3 yesterday! I put a slight incline on the treadmill for walking only, but boy it kicked my butt! I'm nervous to start week four but I know I can do it.
  • I had a few bad days last week but I made it through the weekend without going over at all, which is huge for me. I've been sticking to my workouts and hopefully I'll see some changes at my weigh in on Friday! Huge celebration weekend coming up with my husband's birthday, sil graduation and Mother's Day. I know I need to…
  • Ooh! I have been trying to figure out how to do my sour cream enchiladas. That is such a great idea. Do you have a recipe?
  • Glutino makes some very yummy pretzel sticks. You can actually find a lot of gf/cf snack foods at natural and whole food markets like sprouts or trader joes
  • You look amazing! You are an inspiration. It's posts like these that keep me pushing on. :)
  • I am worried about that. From what I've read, as long as you do strength training and toning exercises it will help a lot. I make sure to do crunches and arm exercises even on a just cardio day. I'm hoping it helps.
  • You are all welcome to add me if you want! We can do this together!
  • Hi everyone, I'm Miranda and I've been on mfp since last july. I was a little overweight in high school but fairly active. When I had my two kids I gained way too much. I have lost 23 lbs in the past couple of months and I need to lose about 100 more to be in a good weight range. I want to be healthy and not just skinny. I…
  • I really enjoyed this post, as I've been asking myself that question and I loved seeing all the different answers.
  • You just inspired me to get up off my but and do a shred! Thanks :)
  • Woohoo! You are an inspiration!
  • Pizza and wings. Smothered in Ranch :D
  • These sound awesome! I am definitely looking into the dirty girl mud run. I love to dress up and get silly for the race, and I've found it's a great motivator for me when I have something fun I'm working for. To me, its like the 5k is the reward for all the hard work I've put in preparing for it. I still have a loooong way…
  • Awesome!!! I can't wait to feel that. :)
  • When I was little, I sang the national anthem as "star strangled banner" and " nuns bursting in air" ...yeah. Also, I was so surprised in high school when I learned that Christopher Robin s not a girl.
  • I like to look at as more of a kick in the butt or a congratulations on the particular day. It motivates me because I either know I need to step it up, or that I did really well for the day. I don't expect accuracy from it, nor do I count on it to tell me what I will weigh, I just look at it as a daily motivator of the…
  • Do you have a crock pot? Tonight I made Hawaiian BBQ crock pot chicken and it was so good. All it is is chicken in the crock pot with bbq sauce (I used the jack daniel's honey stuff) and some crushed pineapple. Let it cook for about 6-8 hours then we ate it in pita pockets. It was delicious, and so easy!
  • I will only log something like cleaning if it is heavy duty cleaning, like deep scrubbing the floors, or organizing storage that I don't do every day and actually feels like it s giving a burn. But things like the ten minute walk to and from ,y sons bus stop, no. I don't log that because its something I do every day and I…
  • So I'm not helpful in the experience department, but I wanted to comment because I want to watch the thread and see what responses you get. I don't have the top roll, but my belly sags quite a bit and I am VERY self conscious about it. I have been told by several people that if you do fat burning cardio and lots of core…
  • I'm 23, started last year in June and fell off the fitness train when I got married in October. I've started back up this week and could really use some MFP pals who actually talk to me! I get so motivated by others' success, and I like friends who are not afraid to get on me if I miss logging! :)