miranda823 Member


  • I would love to be a part of this. I've been on mfp for a few years, and did wonderful at first losing about 60 lbs. sadly, I've gained it all back and can't seem to figure out how to get my butt into gear again. I need to lose at least 100. I could use some support as well.
  • Hi Mary, I had some success on south beach a few years ago, if only I'd maintained after! Good luck to you, and feel free to add me. We aren't very active in here as of late!
  • NOV SW: 265.4 11/6/13: 263.4 11/24/13: 265 Still bouncing around.
  • Well I've been struggling so far, but today feels like a positive day. I'm back up to 265, but I'm not going to get discouraged. I can do this! I've decided to skip weigh in this week and just bust my butt to get back down.
  • I've gained five lbs, but since Friday I've been back n the gym twice now. This semester was a lot more time consuming than I anticipated and my workouts disappeared. I'm feeling a lot better since getting back to it...here's to surviving the holiday season with no more gain and hopefully a loss!
  • If you are on a budget you can try reusable nursing pads. They would do the trick as well and are probably less expensive.
  • I struggle with this too and I'm especially nervous right now because I'm starting my first full time semester of college, I've only done part time so far. I don't really have any advice as to how to make it work, except that I have to make sure I workout BEFORE I'm exhausted and done with the day. Waiting until the kids…
  • Final check in: Starting weight: 301 July Starting Weight: 263.3 Current Weight: 260.4 GW for July: 260 Didn't quite meet, but it's pretty close. It was a rough month for me. I am pretty bummed that it took me a whole month to drop 3 lbs. but I also know that's a reflection of the choices I've made. Keep moving forward. :)
  • That sounds like a great app. Do you know what it/they are called? Could be really helpful to me!
  • I had to reply to this. I used to impress friends by playing some levels in super Mario world for the Super Nintendo with my eyes closed, perfectly. :) Mario ftw!
  • I'm 6 feet and started out with 120+ to lose. Feel free to add me! We can do this!
  • Awesome! And I feel like I should say I actually do like the c25k app and really recommend it as a good starting place for other nonrunners. I fully intend on starting it back up. I never thought I could finish, but I know deep down that's just my brain intimidating me.
  • Yay! I felt silly for posting but if t motivated you it's worth it. :) And thanks to everyone for your encouraging responses! I'm high on life today.
  • I usually have to visit Wal Mart, Fry's and Sprouts before I'm done grocery shopping for the week. My biggest challenges are budget (poor college student here with two kids) and the fact that my son is on a gluten free- dairy free diet. I do my best to make sure dinner is a gf/df meal that is healthy for everyone, but…
  • Starting weight: 301 July Starting Weight: 263.3 Current Weight: 261.6 GW for July: 260 Scale finally moved today! I'm excited!
  • Hi, I am 23, have a 4 yr old with autism and a 19 month old. I am full time student going for speech and language sciences. My classes are online and I stay home with the kids during the day. I know it's tough and school/kids are easy built in excuses to slack in the fitness dept. I'm online every day and love motivating…
    in College? Comment by miranda823 July 2013
  • This happens to me too. I will for sure be trying loosening my shoes. What I usually do is curl my toes and focus on putting weight on my heels mostly for a bit, and that helps, but not for long enough to do as much as I'd like. I've been needing to hop of and do some jumping jacks or jogging in place to get the blood…
  • This is so true, lol.my 19 month old loves to do that! I have a 4 year old and a 19 month old and I am also a full time student. It's hard to find time to squeeze workouts in but it is totally doable! Anyone is welcome to add me. I am here everyday and fairly active on the site.
  • This is me too. I'm still trying to get back on track from some cookies that derailed me last week.
  • Everyone is doing awesome!
  • This. Although I'm not a supremely healthy eater by any means, making sure there are quick, easy, healthy snacks available definitely helps. I've also learned to love my crock pot because I can put the meal together in the am and don't have to think about it againuntil it is time to eat. Also, I have learned that I HAVE to…
  • Thanks for the support! I weighed again this morning and I'm back down to 264. That made me feel loads better. Official way in is tomorrow so I'm hoping it's good news.
  • Starting weight: 301 July Starting Weight: 263.3 Current Weight: 266.4 GW for July: 260 So I failed at making it through vacation without gaining. Too many tempting foods and social eating scenarios....and let's not forget the alcohol. It was a good time, and I have no regrets. However, my weigh in on my day home read 268.…
  • My goal is to make it through my 4th of July/summer vacation without gaining. I'd also like to be down 8 pounds by the end of the month. Starting weight: 301 Current Weight: 263.3 GW for July: 255
  • Check in for the end of the month: 6/1/13 - 271 lbs. 6/20/13- 265.3 6/30/13- 263.3 Total lost: 7.7 lbs Certainly not complaining! And I did much better at logging and tracking my water intake. Starting to make a habit of logging that too.
  • You killed it! Great job! :)
  • Are you taking body measurements along with your weigh ins? Seeing that you're losing inches might help with that frustration. I hear you though, I'm in between a 16-18 right now and it's so frustrating. I can't quite wear 16 comfortably but the 18 looks terrible. I should mention that I was wearing 18 thirty pounds ago so…
  • Check in for me! 6/1/13 - 271 lbs. 6/20/13- 265.3 5.7 lost! I am 4.7 lbs away from a mini goal that earns me a pedicure. Can't wait until weigh-in this Thursday to see how much closer I've gotten. Although I ate horribly this weekend, so I'm also kind of scared!