

  • A neighbor of mine told me that if you start getting involved in doing local 5K events that you kind of get 'addicted' to doing them and that it's a good way to continue to strive to maintain exercising. Not sure but I've been thinking about doing one to see what I think. I found this one locally, coming up next month. I…
  • Hey ladies, Does anyone know if I can get to this message board through the mobile app to make it easier for me to keep up with everyone here? We tend to keep the desktop computers off in an attempt to save money on our power bill. (not that we have seen a difference yet.) I have been completing my food & exercise dairy…
  • Oohh ladies, I'm excited to do this in a group so we can support & encourage each other! I haven't told ANYONE my weight, except my doctors, since medical issues threw me out of whack - not even my husband. I went from being a 97 pound, athletic, model to now being someone who was recently referred to as "a beautiful, big…