

  • I suggest that you have a discussion with your wife about access to your kitchen when you want to cook something. There's no such thing as territory when it is a house that you both live in! You have rights!
    in Help! Comment by inkchic78 November 2010
  • Focus on doing your best TODAY and don't fret about what you did yesterday,because you can't change the past. There's not a single person who hasn't or doesn't go through motivation issues. I have a mantra that I like to follow when i'm grumbling about going to the gym or other diet-related blah moments..... JUST DO IT…
  • i usually eat toasted multigrain bread (or half of a large everything bagel) with cream cheese and jelly with home made iced coffee. :D That runs me about 400 calories.
  • Yup. Honestly, there is no scientific proof of when its best to workout during the day. So, the best bet is to do it when either a) its most convenient for you and/or b) when you prefer to work out. If you work out after dinner, i agree with the previous poster - wait a few hours after you eat.
  • Eggs Chicken Salmon Steak Pork Beans Soy anything Nuts Cheese Tell your wife to cook pasta once a week or so - rice and multigrain bread (multigrain anything) is preferred.
    in Help! Comment by inkchic78 October 2010